What is Quarantine Crystal?

A ROM hack of Pokémon Crystal Version! The project started development during the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, hence the name! It began as an art project by artist Latenight in the form of a Fakemon dex. This project was liked so much that a few users came together to develop the project into a full romhack - initially just a dex replacement. However, this grew into a larger project with custom trainers, music, areas, and a mechanical overhaul!
The most recent version of the game is Version 0.8, and can be downloaded on the game's PokéCommunity page!
How is this related?
During work on Version 0.7, developer Fuzzybug started a small art project with fans of the ROM hack. The goal was to create a series of trading card art which could be placed in trading card templates for fun. This quickly grew way out of hand, with users joining in to add balanced rules, attacks, and strategies for the cards which would have originally been blank! The project is now so large that we have begun playtesting of the first set (known as the "Base" set) to make sure that it is properly balanced before we can make a full public release!
The card game is based off of the first generation of Pokémon trading cards, and follows the same design ethos and balancing of the original. The project contains a full replacement of the original Basic, Stage 1, and Stage 2 Pokémon cards, and keeps the original Trainer and Energy cards.

What makes this so special, then?
We are the first ever ROM hack project to have created a full card game to play alongside our main game. It has required a great amount of time and effort, but it'll all be worth it when the time comes for you to enjoy the card game.
This project is a great alternative way to enjoy the fantastic designs of Quarantine Crystal, and to appreciate the hard work of our loving community with friends!
How do I play?
The card game works exactly like the Pokémon Trading Card Game, and can be played online using Tabletop Simulator or LackeyCCG. If you're unfamiliar with the system, a great way to learn is with the Pokémon Trading Card Game for GameBoy Color! This can be played currently through the Nintendo Switch Online Service.We have no plans to physically print these cards out.
How do I keep up-to-date?
Join the Quarantine Crystal Discord server, or follow us on Twitter! You can also be informed of any updates to the TCG or main game this way!